Below, you’ll find those models ranked based on transaction price—not MSRP—starting with the cheapest model, at $21,291. Because we’re citing actual figures, we list the specific configuration. Other versions of the featured models often carrying relatively similar pricing, with the same the percentage above or below MSRP.
This month, nine of the 10 featured models—from Hyundai, Kia, Mazda, Nissan, and Toyota—are selling for more than their sticker prices. Just beyond our top 10 is a notable exception: the Toyota Camry. It is about to be replaced by a redesigned model this spring. Current transaction prices are $519 off MSRP, but that may increase.
Detailed pricing information and complete ratings are available for all current vehicles on their respective model pages, linked in the ratings boxes below.
Of course, local supply and demand will influence how much a dealer is willing to bend on price.
The list of the cheapest cars Consumer Reports recommends is available to CR members. If you haven’t joined yet, you can access the list by clicking below and becoming a member.