Most likely, your day care provided you with a list of essential items you need to get for your baby or toddler’s cubby; if they didn’t, you should contact them to ask, because you don’t want to show up on the first day without these necessities. In the meantime, consider this list from Wierzbicki:
Diapers: “Aim to provide one diaper for every hour of care. Your child may not need that many, especially if they have a long nap, but it’s better to be safe than sorry.”
A package of wipes: Or, in my case, liniment and cotton pads.
Diaper cream: Keep in mind that “your center may require a doctor’s note and/or a parent permission form to apply topical creams.”
Two to three sets of extra clothes: Today’s note from my son’s day care: “Diaper: Wet, Bm. Changed clothes.” Great!
Sleep sack for baby and blanket for toddler: Avoid popular weighted types.
Bottles, if your child needs them: I send four 8-ounce bottles a day, though typically he needs only three.
Sunscreen: For babies 6 months and older.
Family photos: “We always ask families to share photos,” says Wierzbicki. “Children love to see photos of themselves and their loved ones, and having a family photo to look at can help ease the transition from home to the center.”