Although a majority of the sheet sets on the market are cotton, not all cotton sets are alike. Our tests prove that, while also busting other sheet-shopping myths.
For instance, though manufacturers may tout the thread count of their sheets (typically ranging anywhere from 200 to 800), that number doesn’t have any impact on quality or longevity. According to CR’s testers, there was no significant correlation between how sheets performed in our tests and thread count. These numbers are measurements of how many threads a fabric has woven together in 1 square inch but are not an indicator of softness or quality. Instead of shopping for a certain thread count, CR members can check out our full ratings to see how all of the sheets we test score on strength and softness.
Another purchasing point to keep in mind: Claims about pocket size can’t always be trusted. “More than 30 percent of our tested models claimed to fit up to an 18-inch mattress, but their actual pocket-depth measurements were short even before washing,” says Li Wang, who oversees CR’s testing of sheets. None of the sheets in our latest batch of six could actually fit an 18-inch mattress.
Our testing also found that cotton sheets might not fit your mattress after a year’s worth of laundering, even if they could initially fit the queen-size mattress depth claimed on their package. And though all but one of the synthetic sheets in our ratings did well in our shrinkage test, synthetic fabrics have their fit issues as well. Nearly half scored at or below average in our fit test—and that’s before the first wash.
With this in mind, it’s best to buy a set that is sized 2 to 3 inches more in the pocket than the actual depth of your mattress. And if you find a set that you love, consider buying three, the ideal number of sheet sets you should own for each regularly used bed. That allows you to have one to sleep on, one in the laundry, and one more in the linen closet just in case of an accident.
Remember, you don’t have to spend a lot to get a good quality set of sheets. CR’s recommended sets range from $15 all the way up to $400 and more. For more shopping advice, learn the 5 things to know before buying sheets and check our sheets buying guide.