I’d seen chatter online about the Pockit tipping over easily when users hung a bag from the handles or when a child kicked their feet forward, propelling the stroller backward. Complaints filed through the Consumer Product Safety Commission’s SaferProducts.gov database about a very similar stroller, the GB Pockit Air All-Terrain, allege that children have hit their heads when the stroller inexplicably collapsed.
Our testers attempted to replicate these incidents in our labs. Though we were unable to recreate the issues reported by some parents, we found that it was easy to inadvertently press the buttons on the handles that fold the stroller, which could lead to the stroller folding with a child inside it.
Caregivers who choose this stroller should exercise caution when steering, as it’s possible to push the buttons on the handle while distracted or busy (or just multitasking), and a child could be injured if the stroller begins to fold while they’re sitting in it.