Don’t Eat Sliced Deli Meats or These Boar’s Head Packaged Meats for Now Due to Listeria Risk

“If you are in one of these high-risk groups, and have a Boar’s Head packaged meat product in your refrigerator and can’t tell if it’s recalled or not, or if you just want to play it safe until the outbreak is over, throw it out,” says James E. Rogers, PhD, director of food safety research and testing at CR. Any recalled product can also be returned to the store where you purchased it for a full refund. 

After disposing of any recalled meat (and any deli-sliced meat of unknown origin), you should also thoroughly clean your refrigerator and any surfaces the meat has touched, advises Sana Mujahid, PhD, manager of food safety research and testing at CR. 

Especially for people in at-risk groups, also avoiding all meats sliced at the deli counter and all deli sandwiches for now is the safest bet. That’s because Boar’s Head deli meats associated with this recall that are cut on a slicer at a grocery store, deli, or bodega could contaminate the equipment and countertop surfaces, and spread easily to other deli meats, as well as to cheese and leafy greens, Rogers says.