How to Choose the Right Size Generator

To determine the size generator you need, make a list of the appliances you want to power and add up their wattages. And here’s a tip: If you’re considering a portable generator, don’t spring for one that produces a lot more power than you’ll be using. “There’s no need to go larger unless you want…

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Best Footrests for the Most Comfortable Desk Setup

The perfect footrest for your home office is ergonomically sound—to make sure it will fit you and your setup, you should be able to adjust its height and angle, and its width and depth should suit your foot’s length and foot placement preference. It should be easy to assemble and simple to use (if it’s…

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10 Least Reliable Cars

Our surveys take a deep dive into the numerous things that can go wrong with a vehicle. We study 20 potential trouble areas, from nuisances—such as squeaky brakes and broken interior trim—to major bummers, such as potential expensive out-of-warranty engine, transmission, EV battery, and EV charging problems. We weigh the severity of each type of…

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Best Portable Air Conditioners of 2024

In our portable air conditioner tests, we measure how long it takes a unit to lower the temperature of a test chamber from 90° F to 85° F. That takes an average of 20 minutes. By comparison, the best window air conditioners can cool the room by 10° F in about 15 minutes or less….

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The Hacker Who Hunts Video Game Speedrunning Cheaters

The night before Cecil’s Defcon talk, Maselewski wrote in a final email to WIRED that he believes those alleging that he cheated are using faulty tools with an incomplete picture of Diablo‘s complexities. “Dwango is out to tell a story. Did I cheat? No,” Maselewski writes. “But what is true or not does not matter…

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