How Often Should You Wash Your Towels?

Opt for hot water. Today’s laundry detergents work effectively in cold, warm, and hot water. But there’s clean, and then there’s a deep clean. To address cleanliness, smells, stains, and bacteria, Gerba and Handel recommend washing towels (especially white towels) in hot water. Gerba also suggests using an anti-microbial laundry sanitizer to kill odor-causing bacteria…

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Leasing vs. Buying a New Car

It’s difficult to make a fair head-to-head comparison between, say, a six-year loan and the standard three-year lease. At the point the lease ends, the bank borrower still has three years of payments to go, but the lessee has to look for another car—or perhaps take the lease’s buyout offer. A lease can also be…

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Want to Smell Like Donuts? Beauty Brands Think You Do

But in 2023, we moved from food-inspired aesthetics to actually wanting to look like food, with trends like cinnamon cookie butter hair, blueberry milk nails, and glazed doughnut skin. Today, anything goes: Velveeta hair dye, dill-pickle-flavored lube, and Hellman’s parfum de mayonnaise—the rule seems to be the more unhinged, the better. For millennials and zillennials,…

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3 Reasons to Choose a Hand Mixer Over a Stand Mixer

Once you decide a hand mixer can be your go-to for baking to-do’s, take note of its features. Some are more important than others.  Attachments: Hand mixers typically come with wire beaters, and some also include whisk or dough hook attachments. Whisks have even thinner wires than the standard wire beaters and are designed to…

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51 Best Cyber Monday Tech Deals (2024)

Well, hello there. You’re probably here because you’re hunting for Cyber Monday tech deals, saw WIRED, and thought: Wires are tech, right? Yes, you’re right! Think of me as your shopping tech support—I can’t tell you how to fix your router, but I can recommend one to buy. Here you’ll find the best deals on…

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The Bird Flu Threat Keeps Growing

Ongoing outbreaks of avian influenza have decimated poultry flocks and wild birds across the United States and worldwide. The virus, known as H5N1, is also increasingly adapting to mammals and has been found in cats, goats, and raccoons. In the US, it has spread to at least 170 dairy herds across 13 states. And in…

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